• How to Easily Reorganize Groups for the Next Ministry Season

    Heading into summer, many churches are already planning for fall. Keeping people and groups organized effectively is one of the most important jobs in church administration. Connecting people to each other in community provides them opportunities for spiritual growth, improves their relational well-being, and helps them live out their faith in meaningful ways. read more
    Categories: Connect, Planning, Scheduling, Small Groups
  • Scheduling Volunteers at the Push of a Button

    Unclear shifts and roles; inconsistent communication; scheduling conflicts with other teams.  There is no question that effective volunteer scheduling can take up a tremendous amount of a Group Leader’s time. Wouldn’t it be great if, at the press of a button, the schedule that makes the most sense would appear right before their eyes? The right church management software makes it possible! Read on to find out how. read more
    Categories: Church Staff, Connect, Planning, Scheduling, Structure, Sunergo
  • Keep Your Children's Ministry Going Strong

    Between the lingering effects of the winter blahs, and the bulk of the school year having passed, the excitement surrounding your children’s programs may be fading, too. While we wait for sunny summer days and unstructured play to refresh children and leaders alike, try these ideas to keep your kids’ ministry from languishing at year’s end. read more
    Categories: Child Protection, Planning, Summer
  • Saying Thanks to First-Time Givers

    It is a special moment, the first time someone offers a financial gift to your church. Thanking them for their gift creates reciprocity of relationship, and can be a good jumping-off point for getting to know that person and understanding what is important to them. read more
    Categories: Charities, Follow-up, Giving, Pastoral Care, Sunergo
  • Who Was Saint Valentine?

    Is February 14th just another superfluous commercial holiday, or is it a Christian celebration of love? We dug up the legendary history of the martyr Saint Valentine and some thoughts from some classic Christian authors on the subject of love. February is also the month that the CRA recommends charities issue giving receipts to donors, so scroll to the bottom of this post for some helpful tax-time resources from Sunergo. read more
    Categories: Charities, Giving
  • Data Storage and Security for Canadian Churches

    Did you know that if your church stores documents on cloud-based systems hosted on servers outside of Canada, it may pose challenges regarding data compliance for your church? These are not the sort of details that occur to most people who have a heart to serve in ministry. Typically, church employees and volunteer board members aren't experts in Canadian tax law. Nonetheless, the responsibility falls on us to ensure our church aligns with compliance standards. Rest assured, at Sunergo, we're here to support you throughout this process. read more
    Categories: Charities, Data Storage, Planning, Security, Sunergo