Spring Cleaning

Time for Spring Cleaning

Its spring time and with that often comes spring cleaning. Often we think about cleaning out the winter derby from around the outside of your building and cleaning out the clutter that’s accumulated inside over the winter. Its also a great time to do some spring cleaning on your database and website.

Database clean up

The further back your records go, the more they likely need to be reviewed and updated. Take the time to go through your database to make sure your membership list is up to date. Run a giving report to see who hasn’t given in the past year. Review your attendance reports to see who has dropped off. You can also clean up some of your Ministry Groups but marking sub-groups inactive thanks to a recently rolled out enhancement to our Sunergo Church Tools.

This is also a good time to complete any incomplete records. You can simply run the contacts report and look for records that are missing fields such as phone number or email or any other fields you would consider part of a complete record.

As you wind up your ministry year it is also a good time to go through your ministry groups and contact categories and see if there are any that should be archived or simply removed. Ministry Groups that will change from year to year such as your small groups or Sunday school can be set to inactive. Contact categories can be refreshed. It is also a good time to ensure that you are up to date on any church life events that you track such as membership, criminal record checks or visitation.


Spring can also be a great time to do a clean-up or even a refresh of your website. Often there are a number of pages on a website that are set up and then forgotten about. It could be a good time to go through those pages and make sure they are up to date. Areas that often fall to neglect are the “About Us” pages, are your staff profiles, and other general information pages current? Do you need to update photos? Be sure to look through any pages that list or describe your programs? Are these pages up to date? Take particular note of any programs that may be shutting down or taking a hiatus for the summer and give yourself a reminder to update the appropriate pages.

Maybe its time for a refresh or complete re-design of your website, because the design itself is no longer fresh. Contact us to explore the options for a full custom design or one of our existing template websites.

Categories: Child Protection, Planning, Small Groups, Website